About Us
The Burlington Junior Redcoats band of Burlington, Ontario, is the feeder band of the Burlington Teen Tour Band.
The history of the Junior Redcoats is almost as long as the Teen Tour Band. Originally referred to as the Training Band, the name of this group changed to the Peanut Band in the 1970's, and again to the Burlington Junior Redcoats in the 1980's.
Today, the Burlington Junior Redcoats Band is a youth marching band open to all youth from ages 9-13, who can apply their skills as musicians to participate in all activities of a marching band. New members can join the band as they begin their music lessons.

The goal of this organization is to provide all youth from ages 9-13 a space in which to practice their musical abilities, develop close friendships, improve their leadership abilities, contribute to their community in a positive manner, and prepare them for success in all stages of life.
The Burlington Junior Redcoats perform several times a year in local events. Once a junior member reaches the age of 13, they become eligible to move up to the ranks of the Burlington Teen Tour Band.
The Burlington Junior Redcoats practice on Saturday mornings from 9:15am to 11:30am. The Junior Redcoats are under the instruction of Caroline Singh (Musical Director), Hilary Whiskin (Percussion instructor), and Catherine Lomas (Colour Guard instructor).